dimanche 30 janvier 2011
Dare to care: le mercredi 23 février!
Le mercredi 23 février, les jeunes du secondaire de la 8e à la 12e année auront la chance d'entendre et d'apprendre au sujet du vécu des adolescents d'aujourd'hui. Voici en anglais, de la part de M. Dwayne Peace, l'horaire de la journée qu'il nous propose:
Life’s Challenges in Secondary School – Part 1
(3 hours) – Grades 8-12
In this most requested session Dwayne will talk about issues that are effecting many students on a daily basis. Body image, eating disorders, bullying, suicide, bullycide, texting, sexting, the power of words, showing respect for others, and the impact of media including the impact of violent video games on youth are key components to this presentation. The use of the Surviving High School video, which is a compelling, searing video, dares teens to examine vital issues and motivates them to make positive changes.
Explore the complex world of social pressures faced by teenagers today through the stories of 11 high school kids struggling to fit in with peers... while dealing with bullying, harassment, stereotypes, teasing, drugs, depression, violence, family problems, and more. Viewers get an in–depth look at these teens’ lives as they reveal their true selves to each other, emerge from their cliques and isolation, and begin practicing a mature acceptance and respect in their daily interactions. Viewers also see the teens’ honest encounters with Keena Turner, a former San Francisco 49er who relates how he became a Super Bowl Champion without the use of steroids, and with Magali Amedei, a model who recounts her painful battle with bulimia.
“I used to tease people all the time. You say it to get chuckles on the surface. But you have to think about it in your heart, about what it does. I had to think truthfully because I picked on so many people: Did I say anything to him? Did I do anything that affected his life?” A teen’s reflection after the suicide of a fellow student, in Surviving High School.
A component of this presentation also includes charges under the Criminal Code of Canada that are applicable to those who chose to bully others in various ways.
Life’s Challenges in Secondary School – Part 2
(3 hours) – Grade 8-12
This second session will complete a full day with Dare to Care. The morning session is often done as an assembly with either the entire school or with a different grade level each day.
Part 2 takes the morning session to another level allowing all participants in the room to experience what it is like to be in a room of peers and not to feel anything but equal with everyone in the room. It allows participants to witness firsthand that they have much more in common than what makes them different, yet they focus on each other’s differences. This session will motivate the participants to make some positive changes in their lives and those around them.
samedi 29 janvier 2011
Ressources for families
Simple strategies for nurturing
kids who are strong readers
Without doubt, reading with your children spells success for early literacy. Here are a few simple strategies that will make a big difference in helping your child become a good reader and writer. By reading aloud, sharing print materials, and promoting positive attitudes about reading and writing, you can have a powerful impact on your child’s literacy and learning.
• Invite your children to read with you every day.
• When reading a book where the print is large, point word by word as you read. This will help children learn that reading goes from left to right and understand that the word they say is the word they see.
• Read your children’s favorite books over and over again.
• Read stories with rhyming words and lines that repeat. Invite children to join in on these parts. Point, word by word, as children read along with you.
• Talk about new words. For example, “This big house is called a palace. Who do you think lives in a palace?”
• Stop and ask about the pictures and about what is happening in the story.
• Read from a variety of children’s books, including fairy tales, song books, poems, and information books.
Reading is at the heart of learning. Children who read well can learn. Make a difference for your children.
mercredi 26 janvier 2011
Réunion du Conseil de parents
Bienvenue M. James!
Aurevoir M. Marc!
mardi 18 janvier 2011
La sécurité en autobus
Merci Mme Danielle!
Début du 2e semestre
Congrès des enseignants 9, 10 et 11 janvier 2011
Le mercredi 9 février 2011, les enseignants partiront tôt pour leur congrès à Edmonton. Les cours se termineront à 12h et tous les élèves prendront l’autobus à cette même heure. Les élèves auront le temps de dîner avant de partir. Les cours reprendront dès le 14 février.
Questions? Communiquez avec moi au 780-798-2045
Mme Nath
dimanche 16 janvier 2011
Le concours "Canspell"
jeudi 6 janvier 2011
Dictée PGL pour la maternelle à la 6e année
Calendrier de dates importantes à suivre
Date | Activités |
jeudi 6 janvier | Distribution du matériel et début de la pratique (mat-6e) |
lundi 31 janvier | Dictée préparatoire (mat-6e) |
jeudi 3 février | La vraie dictée pour la 6e |
mardi 8 février | La vraie Dictée pour la mat à 5e |
mardi 15 février | Apportez vos $$$ à l'école |
vendredi 18 février | Célébration! (à venir...) |
| Merci beaucoup!!! |
mardi 4 janvier 2011
Public meeting with the school booard
Every year the school board holds a public meeting in each of their schools.
The next meeting will be held at Beauséjour on Tuesday, February 15th, 2011.
The goal of this meeting is to exchange information and discuss current issues.
Please join us in order to inform yourselves and be a part of the exchange and voicing your opinions.
7pm Public Meeting (parents will be able to voice opinions)
If you want to add a point in the agenda, please call me.
Réunion du Conseil scolaire Centre-Est à Beauséjour
La prochaine assemblée du Conseil aura lieu à Beauséjour le mardi 15 février 2011. Dès 19h00, il y aura une assemblée publique pour échanger de l’information et discuter des dossiers de l’heure. Tous les parents de Beauséjour sont bienvenus!
dimanche 2 janvier 2011
Une nouvelle classe pour la prématernelle!
La prématernelle ne commencera l'école que le lundi 10 janvier!
Tests de rendement, examens du diplôme et examens maison
Le mercredi 12 janvier de 9h à 11h30---------Anglais 30
Le jeudi 13 janvier 2011 de 9h à 11h-----------Études sociales 30
Le vendredi 14 janvier 2011 de 9h 11h30-----Français 30
Le jeudi 27 janvier 2011 de 9h à 11h----------Physique 30