Que de plaisir! Tous les élèves de Beauséjour ont sauté pour la santé du coeur! Au dessus de 5000.00$ fut ramassé! Quel accomplissement! Merci à tous les parents, les élèves et les enseignants d'avoir participé! Un merci tout spécial à Mme Isabelle pour l'organisation du tout!

Jump Rope for Heart took place on Thursday, April 1st. The students and staff had to jump rope for 1 minute, then rested for 4. There were 14 different stations set up to show what steps/ tricks could be done with a skipping rope. After jumping at one station, everyone changed to the next. The goal was to promote physical activity, encourage wise food choices, and make our hearts beat.
The school raised a total of $5115 for the Heart and Stroke Foundation.
45% of these funds go toward research, 35% toward promoting education and health, 14%for direct costs, and 6% for administration.
The school receives points for the number of participants and for the money raised. We will "spend" our points by choosing soccer balls, outside balls, and frisbees for classes to promote physical activity during recess.