Petite note de Mme Kathy:
On the Family Day weekend, Long Lake is hosting their Ski Festival. They are trying to get a band to play music in the ski lodge for the Friday night, Feb. 12th, and they're having Fantaski on the 13th, where everyone dresses up in fantasy costumes and they're hoping to set up a race course for this day also.On Feb. 20th, they're hosting a charity run in which our ski club is going to take part, to help raise money for the Alberta Ski Hill Association and for STARS Ambulance Services. People can make their pledges for the whole day, or per run. Last year, a record 95 runs was achieved by one little skier in just one day. The closest an adult came was 85.
Callum Duncan, Lianne Plamondon,Kathy Duncan,Lianne Plamondon,Dane Plamondon,Joanie Ulliac et Tyler St-Jean font partie du groupe de ski que Mme Kathy a organisé pour nous. Merci beaucoup Mme Kathy pour cette belle initiative! Les jeunes en profitent!